June 22, 2023

Shaping the Future of Urban Mobility at MOVE 2023

Shaping the Future of Urban Mobility at MOVE 2023

An event dedicated to mobility solutions!

Greetings from across the pond! We're chuffed to bits to share that The Carbon Games has landed in London for the MOVE: Mobility Re-imagined 2023 conference.

This premier urban mobility event, acclaimed for gathering visionaries to tackle today's transit challenges, was the perfect setting for us to present our app. MOVE 2023, attended by over 10,000 participants, buzzed with discussions on the future of transportation, emphasizing the need for smarter, sustainable solutions.

Highlighting the commuting challenge

We brought our revolutionary app to help commuters find that 'someone who shares their route to work'. Why, you ask? According to a survey by Mobilityways, 52% of respondents said they would be more inclined to car-share if they could locate a route mate. Well, at The Carbon Games, we're all about making that match! 

Proudly standing at our booth S266, our co-founders shared how our blockchain-based, gamified corporate carpooling solution can connect commuters, reduce CO2 emissions, and reward you for going green. It's not just about saving the planet, it's about having a jolly good time while doing so.

Take our app for a spin, and let's make commuting a bit more 'green' and a lot more fun together! Cheers to innovative collaborations sparked in London!

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