Cover image showing stakeholders around a table

Revolutionizing Sustainable Urban Planning with XR

SCIPLANT is an innovative XR platform that empowers urban planners, architects, city officials, and citizens to collaborate on urban development projects. By integrating real-time data, immersive technology, and advanced analytics, SCIPLANT transforms how cities are designed, planned, and managed, ensuring sustainability and resilience in urban environments.

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SCIPLANT integrates XR (Extended Reality) with real-time data from IoT devices, providing urban planners with tools to create smarter, more sustainable cities. Here’s how SCIPLANT is set to change urban planning:

Sustainable Urban Development:

- Leverage real-time environmental and mobility data to plan cities that are both eco-friendly and efficient.

- Visualize and simulate the impact of green infrastructure on urban areas, including air quality, noise levels, and energy use.

Collaborative Urban

- Engage stakeholders in a collaborative XR environment, allowing for real-time interaction, annotation, and feedback on urban plans.

- Facilitate consensus-driven decisions by integrating public input directly into the planning process through accessible AR interfaces.

Dynamic Traffic and Infrastructure Management:

- Use data from Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication systems and other IoT devices to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion.

- Incorporate smart infrastructure solutions, such as adaptive traffic management and responsive urban layouts, into the planning process.

Enhanced Citizen Participation:

- Empower citizens to engage with urban planning through interactive XR tools, enabling them to visualize proposed developments and provide meaningful feedback.

- Utilize AR and VR technologies to make complex urban planning data accessible to the public, fostering greater transparency and inclusivity.

Beyond Traditional Planning

The SCIPLANT Advantage: SCIPLANT offers a suite of advanced features that surpass traditional urban planning tools, enabling a holistic and inclusive approach:

Immersive Visualization of Urban Spaces

Use VR and AR technologies to explore urban development plans in a fully immersive environment, providing a clear understanding of their impact.

Simulate different urban scenarios to visualize the effects of proposed changes on traffic, environment, and community well-being.

Immersive Visualization of Urban Spaces Illustration
Data-Driven Decision Making Illustration

Data-Driven Decision Making

Integrate and analyze real-time data from various urban sensors to make informed decisions on traffic, environmental impact, and infrastructure use.

Ensure that all urban planning decisions are grounded in up-to-date, accurate data, optimizing outcomes for all stakeholders.

Scalable and Modular Solutions

Tailor SCIPLANT to meet the specific needs of cities of all sizes, from large metropolises to small urban centers.

Utilize modular features to address unique urban challenges, whether it’s optimizing traffic flow, enhancing green spaces, or improving public safety.

Scalable and Modular Solutions Illustration
Inclusive and Collaborative Planning Illustration

Inclusive and Collaborative Planning

Engage a diverse range of stakeholders in the urban planning process, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered.

Use XR tools to facilitate collaboration between city officials, urban planners, and citizens, driving more equitable and sustainable urban development.

Aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

SCIPLANT contributes to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations, including:

Target 3.6
Reduce road accidents by half, making streets safer.
 SCIPLANT enhances street safety by optimizing traffic flow and reducing congestion through data-driven urban planning, significantly lowering the risk of road accidents.
Target 8.2
Boost economic growth through innovative urban planning.
SCIPLANT boosts economic growth by optimizing urban planning through innovative XR technology, reducing the need for costly infrastructure changes.
Target 9.1
Develop resilient infrastructure that serves all citizens.
SCIPLANT develops resilient infrastructure by leveraging XR and real-time data to design urban environments that adapt to changing conditions, ensuring accessibility and durability for all citizens.
Target 11.6
Create cleaner cities by reducing urban pollution.
SCIPLANT contributes to cleaner cities by using advanced analytics to reduce urban pollution, encouraging green infrastructure, and optimizing energy use to improve air quality.
Target 12.2
Manage natural resources sustainably for future generations.
SCIPLANT supports sustainable natural resource management by integrating efficient city planning practices that minimize waste and promote renewable energy, ensuring resources are conserved for future generations.
Target 13.3
Educate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
SCIPLANT educates and prepares urban communities for climate impacts by visualizing potential scenarios and implementing adaptive planning strategies, enhancing overall climate resilience.
Promote peace and reduce violence through thoughtful urban design.
SCIPLANT promotes peace and reduces violence by designing safer urban environments with thoughtful layouts and improved public spaces that deter crime and enhance community well-being.

Supported by

SCIPLANT has received grants and support form Cortex2 and the European Union.

Pilot Cities Wanted

We are seeking forward-thinking city officials, urban planners, and government agencies to join our pilot program. SCIPLANT is designed to transform urban planning into a more collaborative, sustainable, and efficient process. Your city could lead the way in innovative urban development by participating in our pilot program.

Request a Pilot Program