January 15, 2024

Innov4Mobility Winter School

Innov4Mobility Winter School

The Carbon Games goes to Aveiro

It was a blast presenting at the EIT Urban Mobility sponsored Innov4Mobility Winter School hosted at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. We are grateful to BGI - Sustainable Ventures for the invitation to interact with the students and present our mobility solutions. It's especially rewarding to see the younger generation actively engaging and contributing their innovative ideas towards solving mobility challenges. And we are happy to offer a bit of inspiration along their journey.

EU cooperation for Mobility

In January 2024, nearly 120 bachelor students embarked on three different study trips to various European cities to learn about innovation and entrepreneurship and apply their learnings to the development of innovative solutions to real-life challenges faced by cities. University of Aveiro was one of their destinations where the Innov4Mobility Winter School was hosted as a dynamic and immersive week filled with activities and discussions about Urban Mobility challenges and solutions. 35 students from 9 different RIS countries worked tirelessly throughout the week to develop innovative ideas for challenges such as connecting rural regions, combustion vs electric vehicles, promoting healthier cities, enhancing responsive transportation, and micro-mobility and low-cost solutions. The Carbon Games was proud to present our carpooling solutions with a focus on our University Carpooling offering!

"At The Carbon Games, we're committed to reducing transportation emissions AND fostering an environmentally-conscious community!"

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